Forslag til revidering av EE-statuetter

Draft statutes

§ 1 Name and Seat

On 18 June 1938, the European Federation for Poultry and Rabbit Breeding (European Federation for Small Animal Breeding) was founded in Brussels by the small animal breeding associations of Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. According to the French translation of the original name – Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculture – the association is hereafter called EE. Today, the EE bears the name «European Association for Poultry, Pigeon, Bird, Rabbit and Caviar Breeding». The seat of the Association is in L-3321 Berchem 51 rue Meckenheck. The official languages of the EE are German, English and French.

(According to the law of 21 April 1928 «sur les associations et les fondations sans but lucratif», telle qu’elle a été modifiée).

§ 1 Name and Seat

The members of the small animal associations from the European territory decide to found a non-profit association governed by the above statutes and subject to the amended Luxembourg law of 21 April 1928 on non-profit associations. The Association considers itself as the continuation body of the «Entente Européenne d’Aviculture et de Cuniculiculture». Association founded in Brussels on 18 June 1938.

The EE today bears the name «European Association for Poultry, Pigeon, Bird, Rabbit and Caviar Breeding», hereinafter referred to as EE. The headquarter of the Association is at LU-3321 Berchem 51 rue Meckenheck. Its duration is unlimited. The official languages of the EE are German, English and French.

(According to the law of 21 April 1928 «sur les associations et les fondations sans but lucratif», telle qu’elle a été modifiée).

The present Presidium of the EE consists of:

The Honorary President: Mr. Urs Freiburghaus –

Birkenweg 8 – CH 3506 Grosshöchstetten

The President: Mr. Gion P. GROSS –

Schürenstrasse 19 – CH 8903 Birmensdorf

The Vice-President – MR. Istvan Rohringer –

Vasut ucta 52 – HU 2083 Solymar

The General Secretary: Mrs Jeannine Jehl –

9 rue des Romains – FR 67600 Baldenheim

The Treasurer: Mr. Hansjörg Opala

Burrberg 47 – DE 74538 Rosengarten

The Chairperson of the advisory board for health and animal welfare: Mr Drs Erik Apperlo –

Binnendijk 66 – NL 9256 Rijperkerk

The Chairperson of Cavia Division: Mrs. Lena Tysk –

Soprangränd 9 – SE 27192 Ystad

The Chairman of Poultry Division -Mr Dr. Andy Verelst –

Roldragersweg 36 – BE 3581 Beverlo

The Chairman of Pigeons Division: Mr August Heftberger

Grolzham 34 – AT 4680 Haag am Hausruck

The Chairman of Birds Division: Mr. Klaas Snijder –

Helmhout 12 – NL 8502AE Joure

The Chairman of Rabbit Section: Mr Wolfgang Vogt –

Dierath 13 – DE 42799 Leichingen

§ 2 Area of the Association and Financial Year

2.1             The association’s territory includes all countries in Europe.

2.2             The financial year shall be the calendar year.

§ 2 Area of the Association and Financial Year

2.3             The association’s territory includes all countries in Europe.

2.4             The financial year shall be the calendar year.

§ 3 Tasks

3.1 The EE is a non-profit association and is not geared towards commercial business operations. It is party-politically and denominationally neutral.

It sets itself the following tasks:

3.2 To promote the breeding of chickens, waterfowl, turkeys, pigeons, birds, rabbits and cavies, and the breeding and keeping of wild and ornamental fowl.

3.3 Union of the National Small Animal Breeders’ Associations in Europe.

3.4 To promote international meetings of small animal breeders of the Association’s territory, in particular through the direct and indirect organisation of competitions and study meetings.

3.5 It deals with the organisation of European small animal shows, each of which is hosted by a member country of the EE.

3.6 It shall draw up a show calendar of all small animal shows notified to the EE which are of particular national or international importance.

3.7 The EE shall take the necessary steps to achieve a simplification of customs formalities and veterinary regulations for the feeding of the European shows.

3.8 EE promotes the idea of animal welfare at European level within the framework of its objectives and possibilities.

3.9 The EE promotes scientific and practical research in small animal breeding. It shall do everything in its power to combat animal diseases and shall take protective measures in this respect.

3.10 The EE represents the general aims and interests of small animal breeding towards European, international and national authorities and institutions.

3.11 It promotes small animal breeding as a meaningful leisure activity.

3.12 It promotes the professional training and further education of small animal breeders.

3.13 On the proposal of the divisions, it draws up a list of international judges who may be engaged for the European Show. It shall issue the guidelines for the judging and the exhibition programme for the European Show in order to bring about uniformity in the conduct of the show. The same applies to the awarding of prizes at the European shows.

3.14 The EE has a logo for the foot rings of the pigeon and poultry divisions of its member countries from 2008. The logo shall be released for use by the ring manufacturer determined by the member countries upon written request of the member federations. The logo with the sign ‘EE’ is to be placed on each foot ring to the left of the country name. From 2008 onwards, only animals with the foot rings 2008 and younger will be judged at the European Show as well as at all shows of the EE member countries. Exception: The expiring rings

2003 -2007. The exhibited animals must not be older than 6 years (e.g. 2007 – 2012).

3.15 It reviews the model breed descriptions and makes proposals and suggestions for European standardisation.

3.16 The EE pursues exclusively and directly non-profit purposes.

3.17 The EE shall refrain from any party-political and ideological activity.

3.18 EE operates selflessly and does not primarily pursue an economic purpose of its own.

3.19 EE funds may only be used for statutory purposes. Contributions from the Association’s funds to EE members are excluded.

3.20 Furthermore, no person shall be favoured by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the statutes or by disproportionately high remunerations.

§ 3 Purpose and tasks

3.1 The EE is a non-profit association and is not geared towards commercial business operations. It is party-politically and denominationally neutral.

It aims to:

3.1 The federation of the national small animal breeding associations in Europe.

3.2 The promotion of the breeding of chickens, waterfowl, guinea fowl, turkeys, laying quails, pigeons, birds, rabbits and cavies as well as the breeding and keeping of wild and ornamental fowl.

3.3 Union of the National Small Animal Breeders’ Associations in Europe.

3.3 The promotion of international meetings of small animal breeders of the Association’s territory, in particular through the direct and indirect organisation of competitions and study meetings.

3.4 It deals with the The organisation of European small animal shows, each hosted by a member country of the EE.

3.5 It The compilation of a show calendar of all small animal shows notified to the EE which are of particular national or international importance.

3.6 The EE It takes the necessary steps to achieve a simplification of customs formalities and veterinary regulations for the feeding of the European shows.

3.7 The EE It promotes the idea of animal welfare at European level within the framework of its objectives and possibilities.

3.8 The EE It promotes scientific and practical research in small animal breeding. It shall arrange for everything to be done to combat animal diseases and shall take protective measures in this respect.


3.9 The EE It represents the general aims and concerns of small animal breeding towards European, international and national authorities and institutions.

3.10 It promotes small animal breeding as a meaningful leisure activity, and supports the preservation of genetic resources and old, endangered breeds.

3.11 It promotes the professional training and further education of small animal breeders.

3.12 On the proposal of the divisions, it shall draw up a list of international judges who may be engaged for the European Show. It shall issue the guidelines for the judging and the exhibition programme for the European Show in order to bring about uniformity in the conduct of the show. The same applies to the awarding of prizes at the European shows.

3.12 The EE has a logo for the foot rings of the pigeon and poultry divisions of its member countries from 2008. The logo shall be released for use by the ring manufacturer determined by the member countries upon written request of the member federations. The logo with the sign ‘EE’ is to be placed on each foot ring to the left of the country name. From 2008 onwards, only animals with the foot rings 2008 and younger will be judged at the European Show as well as at all shows of the EE member countries. Exception: The expiring rings 2003 -2007. The exhibited animals must not be older than 6 years (e.g. 2007 – 2012).


3.15 It reviews the model breed descriptions and makes proposals and suggestions for European standardisation.

3.16 EE exclusively and directly pursues non-profit purposes.


3.17 The EE shall refrain from any party-political and ideological activity.


3.18 EE operates selflessly and does not primarily pursue an economic purpose of its own.

3.19 EE funds may only be used for statutory purposes. Contributions from the Association’s funds to EE members are excluded.

3.20 Furthermore, no person shall be favoured by expenses that are alien to the purpose of the statutes or by disproportionately high remunerations.

§ 4 Memberships

4.1 Membership of the EE is open to the national federations of small animal breeding organisations which have their headquarters in Europe. The number of members of the EE must be at least three. Where the individual professional associations are united in an umbrella organisation, the individual professional associations shall apply to the contributions and voting rights.

4.2 In order to be included in the EE, national associations must be active in the whole territory of their state and not be limited to regional activities.

4.3 Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the promotion of small animal breeding at European level may be appointed honorary members by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Presidium. They shall be invited to the General Assemblies of the EE.

4.4 EE Presidents who have distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements may be appointed Honorary Presidents by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Presidium. They may be invited to the Presidium meetings. They shall be invited to the European Shows and the General Assemblies of the EE, where they shall also have the right to vote.

§ 4 Memberships

4.1 Membership of the EE is open to the national federations of small animal breeding organisations which have their headquarters in Europe. The number of members of the EE must be at least three. Where the individual specialized federations are united in an umbrella organisation, the individual specialized associations shall apply to the contributions and voting rights.

4.2 In order to be included in the EE, national federations must be active in the whole territory of their state and not be limited to regional activities.

4.3 Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the promotion of small animal breeding at European level may be appointed honorary members by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Presidium. They shall be invited to the General Assemblies of the EE.

4.4 EE Presidents who have distinguished themselves through outstanding achievements may be appointed Honorary Presidents by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Presidium. They may be invited to the Presidium meetings. They shall be invited to the European Shows and the General Assemblies of the EE. where they shall also have the right to vote.

§ 5 Acquisition of membership

5.1 National small animal breeding associations for pedigree poultry, pedigree pigeons, pedigree birds, pedigree rabbits and pedigree cavies in Europe may be admitted to the EE.

5.2 They shall submit to the Secretary General of the EE a written application accepting the Statutes of the EE as binding. The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the Statutes of the national association in an official language of the EE. Furthermore, the exact addresses and telephone numbers of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be given. In particular, precise information on the structures and activities of the association shall also be provided. Upon request, further necessary information shall be provided to the EE.

The application for admission must be submitted in writing by post to the EE General Secretary by 31 December at the latest, enclosing the required documents.

The admission form can be printed out from the EE website.

5.3 EE has the possibility to admit associations or organisations that pursue the same objectives at European level as collective members. However, these may not be secondary federations of already affiliated national federations.

5.4 The General Assembly shall decide on admission by an absolute majority of the votes present.

5.5 By joining the national association, its members are also subject to the statutes of the EE.

5.6 Newly admitted members are subject to a probationary period of 5 years. Should they not actively participate in the events of the EE during this period, or should it transpire that the information on the admission form was incorrect or incomplete, the EE General Assembly may reassess the membership at the request of the EE Presidium.

After five years, the association may be definitively admitted at the request of the Presidium.

5.7 The provisionally admitted member associations shall have the same rights and obligations as all other associations during the probationary period.

§ 5 Acquisition of membership

5.1 National Small animal breeding federations for pedigree poultry, pedigree pigeons, pedigree birds, pedigree rabbits and pedigree cavies in Europe may be admitted to the EE.

5.2 They shall submit to the Secretary General of the EE a written application accepting the Statutes of the EE as binding. The application shall be accompanied by a copy of the statutes of the national association in an official language of the EE. Furthermore, the exact addresses and telephone numbers and coordinates of the President, the Secretary and the Treasurer shall be given. In particular, precise information on the structures and activities of the federation shall also be provided. Upon request, further necessary information shall be provided to the EE.

The application for admission, inclosing the required documents, must be submitted in writing by post to the EE General Secretary by 31 December at the latest. enclosing the required documents.

The admission form can be printed out from the EE website.

5.3 EE has the possibility to admit federations or organisations that pursue the same objectives at European level as collective members. However, these may not be secondary federations of already affiliated national federations.

5.4 The General Assembly shall decide on admission by an absolute majority of the votes present.

5.5 By joining the national association, its members are also subject to the statutes of the EE.

5.6 Newly admitted members are subject to a probationary period of 5 years. Should they not actively participate in the events of the EE during this period, or should it transpire appear that the information on the admission form was incorrect or incomplete, the EE General Assembly may reassess the membership at the request of the EE Presidium.

After five years, the federation can be definitively admitted at the request of the Presidium.

5.7 The provisionally admitted member federations shall have the same rights and obligations as all other federations during the probationary period.

5.8 The General Assembly may, at the request of the Presidium, suspend the membership of a federation until the situation in the country has been clarified.

§ 6 Rights and duties of the members

6.1 The affiliated National Associations undertake to pay their annual subscription in cash in Euros to the Treasurer of the EE by 01 March of the current year or in person by the Friday before the EE General Assembly of the subscription year at the latest. The amount of the annual subscription shall be fixed by the General Assembly without exceeding the amount of Euro 500.

6.2 In the event of non-payment of the current membership fee by the General Assembly, membership rights shall be suspended.

6.3 In the event of arrears of two years’ dues, members shall be requested by the Secretary General to transfer the outstanding dues to the EE within two months. After this period, the EE membership shall automatically expire. A new application for membership must be submitted in order to re-join.

6.4 The contributions are divided into 2 groups:

a)                       Associations up to 5000 members

b)                       Associations over 5000 members

The annual fees of group b) shall be double those of group a).

6.5 Membership in the EE is only possible for one national association per European country for each animal genus. There are a maximum of 5 federations per country: poultry, pigeons, birds, rabbits and cavies.

6.6 If several national associations are united in a national umbrella organisation, the associations affiliated to it shall have priority for membership in the EE and the delegates shall be provided by these associations.

6.7 Each association shall have one delegate per division in the EE who shall represent his organisation both at the General Assembly and at the division meetings.

6.8 At the General Assembly, the Honorary Presidents and the Presidium members shall each have one vote.

At the divisional meetings, the divisional chairman, his deputy, the divisional secretary and the delegates shall each have one vote.

6.9 In the event that delegates of a country are prevented from attending, their votes may be delegated to a delegate of the same country. In this case, a written power of attorney from the member to be represented must be submitted to the Secretary General. In this case, all votes of a delegate must be cast in unison.

6.10 A transfer of votes between member countries is not possible.

6.11 Only persons who are members of a national association affiliated to the EE may hold office in the EE.

§ 6 Rights and duties of the members

6.1 The affiliated national Associations undertake to pay their annual subscription in cash in Euros to the Treasurer of the EE by 01 March of the current year or in person at the latest by the Friday before the EE General Assembly of the subscription year. The amount of the annual contribution shall be fixed by the General Assembly up to a maximum of Euro 500. without being able to exceed the amount of Euro 500.


6.2 In the event of non-payment of the current membership fee by the General Assembly, voting rights shall be suspended.

6.3 In the event of arrears of two years’ dues, members shall be requested by the Secretary General to transfer the outstanding dues to the EE within two months. After this period the EE membership expires automatically. A new application for membership must be submitted in order to re-join.

6.4 The contributions are divided into 2 groups:

a)                       federations up to 5000 members

b)                       federations over 5000 members

The annual fees of group b) shall be double those of group a).

6.5 Membership in the EE is only possible for one national federations per European country for each animal genus. There are a maximum of 5 federations per country: poultry, pigeons, birds, rabbits and cavies.

6.6 If several national federations are united in a national umbrella federation, the federations affiliated to it shall have priority for membership in the EE and the delegates shall be provided by these federations.

6.7 Each federation shall have one delegate per section in the EE who shall represent his organisation both at the General Assembly and at the section meetings.

6.8 At the General Assembly, the Honorary Presidents and the Presidium members shall each have one vote.

At the section meetings, the section chairman, his deputy, the divisional secretary and the delegates shall each have one vote.

6.9 In the event of a delegate from one country being prevented from attending, the votes may be delegated to a delegate from another section of the same country. In this case, a written power of attorney from the member to be represented must be submitted to the General Secretary. In this case, all votes of a delegate must be cast in unison.

6.10 A transfer of votes between member countries is not possible.

6.11 Only persons who are members of a national federation affiliated to the EE may hold office in the EE.

§ 7 Termination of membership

The membership in the EE ends:

7.1 By resignation

Resignation is only permitted at the end of a financial year, subject to a three-month notice period. Notice of resignation shall be given in writing to the Secretary General of the EE.

7.1 By exclusion

A member may be excluded temporarily or permanently if it has seriously violated the statutes, orders and resolutions of the EE. Applications for exclusion may be made by the Presidium or the National Associations. These applications for exclusion must be submitted in writing, listing the reasons, to the General Secretary by 31 December. The next General Assembly shall decide on the final exclusion by an absolute majority of the votes present.

In the case of minor offences, expulsion for a limited period of time or measures such as the restriction of membership rights, e.g. participation in exhibitions and events, may be taken. These measures are decided by the Presidium.

7.3 By deletion

Cancellation can take place as a result of outstanding membership fees of at least 2 years (according to § 6.3).

Likewise, a cancellation can take place in case of inactivity of the member association within the EE. E.g. over a longer period of time no participation in the EE European shows, EE judges’ trainings or EE meetings, non-observance of the EE guidelines in the technical area of the EE divisions.

The deletion shall be proposed by the EE Presidium to the General Assembly and must be approved by the latter by an absolute majority of the votes present.

7.4 Through dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of a member association, membership of the EE shall automatically cease.

7.5 Any form of termination of EE membership shall be notified to the persons concerned without delay, stating the relevant reasons. The member concerned may appeal against the exclusion or the sanctions taken in writing by post to the Secretary General within 60 days. The next General Assembly shall take a final decision on this appeal by an absolute majority of the votes present. The appeal has no suspensive effect.

§ 7 Termination of membership

The membership in the EE ends:

7.1 By resignation

Resignation is only permitted on end of a business year, subject to a three-month notice period. Notice of resignation shall be given in writing to the Secretary General of the EE.

7.2 By exclusion

A member can be excluded for a limited period of time or permanently if he/she has seriously violated the statutes, orders and resolutions of the EE. Applications for exclusion may be made by the Presidium or the national associations. These applications for exclusion must be sent in writing, listing the reasons, to the General Secretary by 31 December. The next General Assembly shall decide on the final exclusion by an absolute majority of the votes present.

In the case of minor offences, expulsion for a limited period of time or measures such as the restriction of membership rights, e.g. participation in exhibitions and events, may be taken. These measures are decided by the Presidium.

7.3 By deletion

Cancellation can take place as a result of outstanding membership fees of at least 2 years (according to § 6.3).

Likewise, a cancellation can take place in case of inactivity of the member federation within the EE, e.g. over a longer period of time no participation in the EE European shows, EE judges’ trainings or EE meetings, non-observance of the EE guidelines in the technical area of the EE divisions.

The deletion shall be proposed by the EE Presidium to the General Assembly and must be approved by the latter by an absolute majority of the votes present.

7.4 Through dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of a member federation, membership of the EE shall automatically cease.

7.5 Any form of termination of EE membership shall be notified to the persons concerned without delay, stating the relevant reasons. The member concerned may appeal against the exclusion or the sanctions taken in writing by post to the Secretary General within 60 days. The next General Assembly shall take a final decision on this appeal by an absolute majority of the votes present. The appeal has no suspensive effect.

§ 8 European Shows

8.1 The General Assembly of the EE shall award a European Show every 3 years, alternately in the different member countries. A show with the possibility of participation of all disciplines is preferred. The Regulations for European Shows shall serve as the basis for the organisation.

8.2 The country (umbrella organisation, federation or local section) which takes over the organisation of a European Show undertakes to comply with the EE regulations for European Shows as well as any supplementary regulations. A show contract shall be concluded between the EE and the show management.

8.3 The President and the Secretary General shall conduct the negotiations with the Show Management. They are responsible to the EE Presidium for the proper conduct according to the EE Regulations for European Shows.

8.4 All associations affiliated to the EE undertake to participate in this show to the best of their ability and, in particular, to present their national breeds.

On the dates of the European Show as well as on the weekends before and after the European Show, no National Shows may be held in the member countries. Justified exceptions require the approval of the EE Presidium.

8.5 Exhibitors at European shows from the EE member countries must be members of the national associations belonging to the EE there.

8.6 The EE Presidium shall decide on any exceptions.

§ 8 European Shows

8.1 The General Assembly of the EE shall award a European Show every 3 years, alternately in the different member countries. A show with the possibility of participation of all sections is preferred. The Regulations for European Shows shall serve as the basis for the organisation.

8.2 The umbrella organisation, federation or local section of the federations taking over the organisation of a European Show undertakes to comply with the EE Regulations for European Shows as well as any supplementary regulations. A show contract shall be concluded between the EE and the show management.

8.3 The President and the general Secretary shall conduct the negotiations with the Show Management. They are responsible to the EE Presidium for the proper conduct according to the EE Regulations for European Shows.

8.4 All federations affiliated to the EE undertake to participate in this show to the best of their ability and, in particular, to present their national breeds.

On the dates of the European Show as well as on the weekends before and after the European Show, no National Shows may be held in the member countries. Justified exceptions require the approval of the EE Presidium.

8.5 Exhibitors at European shows from the EE member countries must be members of the national federations belonging to the EE there.

8.6 The EE Presidium shall decide on any exceptions.

§ 9 Organs

The organs of the EE are:

1.   The General Assembly

2.   The Presidium

3.   The divisions

4.   The Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare

§ 9 Organs

The organs of the EE are:

1.   The General Assembly

2.   The Presidium

3.   The sections

4.   The Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare

§ 10 The General Assembly

10.1 The General Assembly of the EE consists of the Honorary Presidents, the Presidium and the delegates of the national member associations. It shall be convened at least once a year, with written notice of the agenda, at least 8 weeks in advance.

The invitation is issued by the Secretary General in agreement with the Presidium.

10.2 The Ordinary General Assembly shall be held each year in spring. The date, country and place shall be determined by the General Assembly at least two years in advance.

10.3 A Presidium member appointed by the Presidium shall support the organisers of the General Assembly in the preparatory work and shall assist them in an advisory capacity. In this capacity, the Presidium member shall also be responsible for the smooth running of the General Assembly in the administrative area.

10.4 The conference costs incurred shall be determined by the organisers in cooperation with the Presidium.

10.5 An Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened by the Presidium as required or if requested by at least one quarter of the National Associations. The requests shall be submitted in writing to the General Secretary. The requested Extraordinary General Assembly must take place within eight weeks. The agenda for this shall be communicated in writing one month in advance together with the available motions of the Presidium or the member countries.

10.6 At both Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meetings, resolutions may only be passed on motions.

Motions to the General Assembly may be submitted by:

1.      The member countries

2.      The Presidium

3.      The divisions

4.      The Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare

Motions for the Ordinary General Assembly may be submitted by the Presidium as well as by the member countries. Proposals must be received by the General Secretary in writing, by post, no later than the preceding 31 December. They shall be placed on the agenda for the General Assembly.

The motions to the General Assembly must be posted on the EE website in the three EE languages at least 4 weeks before the General Assembly. The motions will therefore not be published at the General Assembly.

Motions received later can only be put on the agenda if the urgency is decided by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority. Motions rejected in this form shall lapse and must be re-submitted.

10.7 The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum irrespective of the number of representatives (delegates) present. A simple majority of the votes of those present shall decide. In the event of a tie, a motion shall be deemed rejected.

A three-quarters majority of the votes present shall be required to amend the Statutes.

10.8 At the General Assembly, both the President and the Secretary General shall report on the activities of the EE in the past year. The Treasurer shall give the cash report. The Chairperson of the Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare and the Division Chairpersons shall give a brief report on their activities.

10.9 The treasury shall be audited by 2 cash auditors, who shall be elected with the substitute auditor for two years by the General Assembly. One of the cash auditors shall give a consensual report and, in the case of a proper business audit, submit a motion for the discharge of the Presidium. The term of office of the auditors shall be a maximum of four years.

10.10 The General Assembly decides on the amount of the fees per division and country as well as the budget for the coming year. Sponsorship campaigns must be approved by the General Assembly.

10.11 The scheduled elections of the Presidium members and the confirmation of the Division Chairpersons shall take place at the General Assembly.

10.12 Nominations for the by-elections to the EE Presidium may only be submitted by the President of an EE member association. The candidate must be a member of this association.

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the President of the EE by 31 December of the year preceding the General Assembly, so that they can be made known to all member countries together with the agenda. In cases of urgency (e.g. lack of candidature), subsequent nominations can be put on the agenda by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority.

10.13 The decisions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in writing by the Secretary General and signed by him and the President. The minutes must be sent to the members of the Presidium and the member countries in one of the three official languages at the latest 3 months after the General Assembly. Each Member Association shall provide the Secretary General with the e-mail address to which the minutes may be sent by e-mail. Members may request access to previous minutes from the Secretary General.

§ 10 The General Assembly

10.1 The General Assembly of the EE consists of the Honorary Presidents, the Presidium and the delegates of the national member federations. It shall be convened at least once a year, with written notice of the agenda, at least 8 weeks in advance.

The invitation is issued by the Secretary General in agreement with the Presidium.

10.2 The Ordinary General Assembly shall be held annually, usually in the spring. The date, country and place shall be determined by the General Assembly at least two years in advance.

10.3 A Presidium member appointed by the bureau shall support the organisers of the General Assembly in the preparatory work and shall assist them in an advisory capacity. In this capacity, the Presidium member shall also be responsible for the smooth running of the General Assembly in the administrative area.

10.4 The conference costs incurred shall be determined by the organisers in cooperation with the bureau.

10.5 An Extraordinary General Assembly may be convened by the Presidium as required or if requested by at least one quarter of the National federations. The requests shall be submitted in writing to the General Secretary. The requested Extraordinary General Assembly must take place within eight weeks. The agenda for this shall be communicated in writing one month in advance together with the available motions of the Presidium or the member countries.

If two thirds of the members are not present or represented at the first extraordinary meeting, a second extraordinary meeting must be convened at least 15 days later. This meeting may validly deliberate irrespective of the number of members present or represented.

10.6 Both at ordinary and at extraordinary General Meetings, resolutions may only be passed on motions.

Motions to the General Assembly may be submitted by:

1.    The Member Countries Member federations

2.    The Presidium

3.    The sections

4.    The Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare

Motions for the ordinary General Assembly may be submitted by the Presidium as well as by the member countries. Proposals must be received by the General Secretary in writing, by post, no later than the preceding 31 December. They shall be placed on the agenda for the General Assembly.

The motions to the General Assembly must be posted on the EE website in the three EE languages at least 4 weeks before the General Assembly. The motions will therefore not be published at the General Assembly.

Motions received later can only be put on the agenda if the urgency is decided by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority. Motions rejected in this form shall lapse and must be re-submitted.

10.7 The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum irrespective of the number of representatives (delegates) present. A simple majority of the votes of those present shall decide. In the event of a tie, a motion shall be deemed rejected.

A three-fourths majority two-thirds majority of the votes present shall be required to amend the Statutes.

10.8 At the General Assembly, the President shall report on the strategic activities and the Secretary General reports on the operational activities of the EE in the past year. The Treasurer shall give the financial report. The Chairperson of the Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare and the Division Chairpersons shall report on their activities.

10.9 The treasury shall be audited by 2 cash auditors, who shall be elected with the substitute auditor for two years by the General Assembly. One of the cash auditors shall give a consensual report and, in the case of a proper business audit, submit a motion for the discharge of the Presidium. The term of office of the auditors shall be a maximum of two years.

10.10 The General Assembly decides on the amount of the fees per division and country as well as the budget for the coming year. Sponsorship campaigns must be approved by the General Assembly.

It shall give the proxies, the President and the Treasurer power of attorney over the treasury during the exercise of their offices. This power of attorney shall be renewed at each election.

10.11 The scheduled elections of the Presidium members and the confirmation of the Division Chairpersons shall take place at the General Assembly.

10.12 Nominations for the by-elections to the EE Presidium may only be submitted by the President of an EE member association. The candidate It must be a member of this an association.

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the President of the EE by 31 December of the year preceding the General Assembly, so that they can be made known to all member countries together with the agenda. In cases of urgency (e.g. lack of candidature), subsequent nominations can be put on the agenda by the General Assembly with a two-thirds majority.

10.13 The decisions of the General Assembly shall be recorded in writing by the Secretary General and signed by him and the President. The minutes must be sent to the members of the Presidium and the member countries in one of the three official languages at the latest 3 months after the General Assembly. Each Member Association shall provide the Secretary General with the e-mail address to which the minutes may be sent by e-mail. Members may request access to previous minutes from the Secretary General.

§ 11 The Presidium

11.1 All natural members of associations belonging to EE may be elected to the Presidium. Members not present at the General Assembly must give their prior written consent to an election.

The Presidium consists of:

1.          President

2.          Vice President

3.          Secretary General

4.          Treasurer

5.          Chairman of the Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare

6.          Chairman of the Poultry Section

7.          Pigeon Section Chairman

8.          Division Chair Birds

9.          Rabbit Section Chairman

10.     Cavias Division Chairman

If necessary, the Presidium may be extended by resolution of the General Assembly.

11.2 The term of office of the Presidium members shall be three years. Re-election is possible.

11.3 During the elections, care shall be taken to ensure that the entire Presidium does not have to be newly elected. First the President and Treasurer shall be elected, in the following year the Vice-President and the General Secretary shall be elected and in a further year the Division Chairpersons, who must first be elected by the Divisions, shall be confirmed by the General Assembly.

The Chairperson and the members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Presidium and confirmed by the General Assembly. If a member of the Presidium resigns during his or her term of office, a successor shall be elected for the remainder of the term.

11.4 The Presidium shall meet at the invitation of the President. A meeting of the Presidium shall be held in due time before the General Assembly. Further meetings may be convened by the President as required. For meetings outside the General Assembly, the EE shall bear the costs incurred (travel expenses, accommodation and meals). A modified compensation on the occasion of the General Assembly shall be determined by the Presidium.

11.5 All functions shall be performed on an honorary basis. However, expenses incurred in the execution of the office shall be reimbursed. The Presidium shall decide on the amount of the reimbursement of expenses.

11.6 The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, together with the General Secretary or Treasurer, shall represent the Association in and out of court.

11.7 The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, shall convene and chair the General Assembly and the meetings of the Presidium.

11.8 The Vice-President shall represent the President if the latter is prevented from attending. He may be entrusted with other special tasks by the Presidium.

11.9 The General Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Association. He shall keep the minutes of the General Assemblies and of the Presidium meetings and shall be responsible for their archiving as well as for the archiving of other important documents of the Federation. He shall prepare and maintain an accurate membership list, which shall include the Presidents and Treasurers of the Member Associations. Other duties as directed by the Presidium.

11.10 The Treasurer shall keep the current accounts of the Association, which he shall submit annually to the General Assembly for approval.

In particular, he shall be responsible for the timely payment of invoices and compensation. He shall also ensure that the membership fees are paid on time. Outstanding membership fees shall be notified to the President before the General Assembly. He shall be responsible for the safe investment of the Association’s assets.

11.11 The Division Chairpersons shall be responsible for the activities within the divisions. They shall report on the activities of the Sections at the General Assembly and the Presidium meetings.

11.12 The Chairperson of the Animal Health and Welfare Advisory Board shall be responsible for the activities within the Advisory Board. The Presidium may entrust him/her with the implementation of specific activities. He shall report on the activities within the Advisory Board at the General Assembly and at the Presidium meetings.

§ 11 The Presidium

11.1 All natural members of associations belonging to EE may be elected to the Presidium. Members not present at the General Assembly must give their prior written consent to an election.

The Presidium consists of:

1.          President

2.          Vice President

3.          Secretary General

4.          Treasurer

5.          Chairman of the Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare

6.          Poultry Section Chairman

7.          Pigeon Section Chairman

8.          Birds Section Chairman

9.          Rabbit Section Chairman

10.     Cavias Division Chairman

If necessary, the Presidium may be expanded by resolution of the General Assembly.

11.2 The term of office of the Presidium members shall be three years. Re-election is possible.

11.3 During the elections, care shall be taken to ensure that the entire Presidium does not have to be newly elected. First the President and Treasurer shall be elected, in the following year the Vice-President and the General Secretary shall be elected and in a further year the Division Chairpersons, who must first be elected by the Divisions, shall be confirmed by the General Assembly.

The Chairperson and the members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the Presidium and confirmed by the General Assembly. If a member of the Presidium resigns during his or her term of office, a successor shall be elected for the remainder of the term.

A member of the Presidium may be dismissed by the General Assembly if he or she violates the administration or the ethical principles of the EE through statements or actions.

If a member of the Presidium has to resign, the Presidium shall appoint a replacement until the election date.


11.4 The Presidium shall meet at the invitation of the President. A meeting of the Presidium shall be held in due time before the General Assembly. Further meetings may be convened by the President as required. Presidium meetings may be held online. For meetings outside the General Assembly, EE shall bear the costs incurred (travel expenses, accommodation and meals). A modified compensation on the occasion of the General Assembly shall be determined by the Presidium.

11.5 All functions shall be performed on an honorary basis. However, expenses incurred in the execution of the office shall be reimbursed. The Presidium shall decide on the amount of the reimbursement of expenses. The amount of the compensation shall be regulated in a regulation issued by the Presidium.

11.6 The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, together with the General Secretary or Treasurer, shall represent the Association in and out of court.

11.7 The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, shall convene and chair the General Assembly and the meetings of the Presidium.

11.8 The Vice-President shall represent the President if the latter is prevented from attending. He may be entrusted with other special tasks by the Presidium.

11.9 The General Secretary shall conduct the general correspondence of the Association. He shall keep the minutes of the General Assemblies and of the Presidium meetings and shall be responsible for their archiving as well as for the archiving of other important documents of the Federation. He shall prepare and maintain an accurate membership list, which shall include the Presidents and Treasurers of the Member Associations. Other duties as directed by the Presidium.

11.10 The Treasurer shall keep the current accounts of the Association and prepare the budget and the liquidity plan, which he shall submit annually to the General Assembly for approval.

Financial investments require the approval of the Presidium. In particular, he shall be responsible for the timely payment of invoices and compensation. He shall also be responsible for the timely payment of membership fees. Outstanding membership fees shall be notified to the President before the General Assembly. He shall be responsible for the safe investment of the Association’s assets.

11.11 The Division Chairpersons shall be responsible for the activities within the divisions. They shall report on the activities of the divisions at the General Assembly and at the Presidium meetings.

11.12 The Chairperson of the Animal Health and Welfare Advisory Board shall be responsible for the activities within the Advisory Board. The Presidium may entrust him/her with the implementation of specific activities. He shall report on the activities within the Advisory Board at the General Assembly and at the Presidium meetings.

§ 12 The Sections12.1 In order to achieve the common aims of the EE, there are divisions for the technical matters, which together with the delegates of the national federations deal with the problems specific to the divisions (poultry, pigeons, birds, rabbits and cavies). Ornamental poultry has been assigned to the Poultry Division, which has created its own sub-division.

12.2 The management of the divisions shall consist of:

1.      Chairman

2.      Vice-Chairman

3.      Divisional Secretary

12.3 The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be elected by the Division.

The election of the Division Chairpersons must then be confirmed by the EE General Assembly. If the election is not confirmed by the General Assembly, the Division must propose a new candidate for election.

The term of office is 3 years. Re-election is possible.

12.4 The section meeting shall constitute a quorum irrespective of the number of representatives (delegates) present. A simple majority of the votes cast by those present shall decide. In the event of a tie, a motion shall be deemed rejected.

For voting purposes, delegates shall be issued with the voting cards to which they are entitled. Member Associations may only vote with their own voting cards. Voting may not be transferred to other associations.

12.5 Nominations for the by-elections in the divisions can only be submitted by the President of an EE member association. The candidate must be a member of this association.

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Division President no later than 31 December of the year preceding the Division Assembly so that they can be made known to all member countries together with the agenda. In cases of urgency (e.g. lack of candidature), subsequent nominations may be put on the agenda by a two-thirds majority of the Section Assembly.

12.6 Motions for the Ordinary Divisional Meetings may be submitted by the EE Presidium, the Divisional Management and the Presidents of the EE Member Associations. The motions must be submitted in writing to the Division President by the preceding 31st December at the latest. They have to be put on the agenda of the General Assembly.

The motions to the division meeting must be posted in the three EE languages on the EE website at the division concerned at least 4 weeks before the General Assembly. At the General Assembly, the motions will therefore no longer be posted.

12.7 The Chairperson shall convene and chair the divisional meeting. If he is prevented from doing so, he shall be represented by the Vice-Chairman in the meeting and in the Presidium.

12.8 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings. They shall be sent in electronic form, in the three official languages, to the Secretary General within three months at the latest, with the agreement of the Chairman, so that they can be posted on the EE website in due time.

12.9 At the latest 2 months after the EE General Assembly, the Division Secretary shall deliver to the EE President, the EE Secretary General and the EE Treasurer the updated list with the current membership figures of the associations in the EE Division concerned. At the same time, the address list of the member associations with all details such as exact address, phone no. and e-mail address of the President, the Treasurer and the President of the Judges’ Association shall be supplied.

12.10 Meetings shall normally be held one day before the EE General Assembly at the same venue.

12.11 The divisions are independent in technical matters. Among other things, they have the task of defining a European standard and updating it as necessary. For this purpose, the division appoints a standard commission. The work of this Standard Commission is governed by special regulations adopted by the Division. The majority decisions of the EE Standard Commission are binding for all member countries after approval by the Division.

The Birds Division follows the COM/OMJ standards in technical matters.

One of the tasks of the EE Standard Commission Birds is to ensure that the standard interpretations within the EE Association are harmonised as far as possible.

12.12 The standard of each breed is determined by the country of origin or the country of breeding completion (lead standard). No member country may change the standard without the agreement of the country of origin or the country of breeding completion. Exception: The EE-Standard Commission of the respective division decides on additional colourings. Included in these provisions are also the uniform ring sizes for poultry, ornamental poultry and pigeons.

12.13 The Division shall establish the country(ies) of origin (or country(ies) of breeding completion). In the case of new breeds, it must be ascertained whether the breed or colour scheme already exists in a similar form in another member country. If the breed or colour scheme already exists, the standard of that member country shall apply. The copyright for the European standard is held by the EE.

The Birds Division follows the guidelines of the COM.

12.14 If there is no written standard from the country of origin, the standard of the country of breeding completion applies.

12.15 All breeds have a uniform designation in the official languages of the EE.

12.16 The Divisions are also responsible for approving the organisation of European shows for individual breeds. The special regulations of the division for breed-related European shows shall serve as a basis.

The applicant shall be obliged to notify the Division Chairman in writing of the project by 15 January of the previous year using the official application form. Approval shall be given at the following divisional meeting.

At the same time as the entry, the corresponding show regulations for this breed-related European show must be sent in.

The organiser undertakes not to undertake any further activities until permission to hold the show has been obtained from the Divisional Chairman.

These breed-specific European shows may only be held in the show seasons between the EE European show. For shows taking place in January or February, the same previous year applies as for the shows of the previous autumn season. Breed-specific European shows planned in the show season of an EE show must be prevented by the EE member association in which this show is to be held.

12.17 The organisers of breed-related European shows are obliged to pay 0.5 Euro per registered animal to the European Association into the EE treasury. The amount is calculated on the basis of the show catalogue. It is to be listed openly on the entry paper as EE contribution.

The total amount is to be transferred to the account of the European Association 10 days after the date of issue.

§ 12 The Sections12.1 In order to achieve the common aims of the EE, there are divisions for the technical matters, which together with the delegates of the national federations deal with the problems specific to the divisions (poultry, pigeons, birds, rabbits and cavies). Ornamental poultry has been assigned to the Poultry Division, which has created its own sub-division.

12.2 The management of the divisions shall consist of:

1.      Chairman

2.      Vice-Chairman

3.      Divisional Secretary

12.3 The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary shall be elected by the Division.

The election of the Division Chairpersons must then be confirmed by the EE General Assembly. If the election is not confirmed by the General Assembly, the Division must propose a new candidate for election.

The term of office is 3 years. Re-election is possible.

12.4 The section meeting shall constitute a quorum irrespective of the number of representatives (delegates) present. A simple majority of the votes cast by those present shall decide. In the event of a tie, a motion shall be deemed rejected.

For voting purposes, delegates shall be issued with the voting cards to which they are entitled. Member Associations may only vote with their own voting cards. Voting may not be transferred to other associations.

12.5 Nominations for the by-elections in the divisions can only be submitted by the President of an EE member association. The candidate It must be a member of that association.

Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Division President no later than 31 December of the year preceding the Division Assembly so that they can be made known to all member countries together with the agenda. In cases of urgency (e.g. lack of candidature), subsequent nominations may be placed on the agenda by a two-thirds majority of the Section Assembly.

12.6 Motions for the Ordinary Divisional Meetings may be submitted by the EE Presidium, the Divisional Management and by the Presidents of the EE Member Associations. The motions must be submitted in writing to the Division President no later than the preceding 31 December. They shall be placed on the agenda for the Division Assembly.

The motions to the division meeting must be posted in the three EE languages on the EE website at the division concerned at least 4 weeks before the General Assembly. At the General Assembly, the motions will therefore no longer be posted.

12.7 The Chairperson shall convene and chair the divisional meeting. If he is prevented from doing so, he shall be represented by the Vice-Chairman in the meeting and in the Presidium.

12.8 The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings. He shall send them in electronic form to the Secretary General within three two months at the latest, in the three official languages, with the agreement of the Chairman. so that they can be posted on the EE website in due time. They have to be made available on the EE website.

12.9 At the latest 2 months after the EE General Assembly, the Division Secretary shall deliver to the EE President, the EE Secretary General and the EE Treasurer the updated list with the current membership figures of the associations in the EE Division concerned. At the same time, the address list of the member associations with all details such as exact address, phone no. and e-mail address of the President, the Treasurer and the President of the Judges’ Association shall be supplied.

12.10 Meetings shall normally be held one day before the EE General Assembly, at the same venue.

12.11 The divisions are independent in technical matters. Among other things, they have the task of defining a European standard and updating it if necessary. For this purpose, the division appoints a standard commission.  The work of this Standard Commission is governed by special regulations adopted by the Division. The majority decisions of the EE Standard Commission are binding for all member countries after approval by the Division.

The Birds Division follows the COM/OMJ standards in technical matters.

One of the tasks of the EE Standard Commission Birds is to ensure that the standard interpretations within the EE Association are harmonised as far as possible.

12.12 The standard of each breed is determined by the country of origin or the country of breeding completion (lead standard). No member country may change the standard without the agreement of the country of origin or the country of breeding completion. Exception: The EE-Standard Commission of the respective division decides on additional colourings. Included in these provisions are also the uniform ring sizes for poultry, ornamental poultry and pigeons.

12.13 The Division shall establish the country(ies) of origin or country(ies) of breeding completion. In the case of new breeds, it must be ascertained whether the breed or the colour scheme does not already exist in a similar form in another member country. If the breed or colour scheme already exists, the standard of that member country shall apply.

The copyright for the European standard is held by EE.

The Birds Division follows the guidelines of the COM.

12.14 If there is no written standard from the country of origin, the standard of the country of breeding completion applies.

12.15 All breeds have a uniform designation in the official languages of the EE.

12.16 The Divisions are also responsible for approving the organisation of European shows for individual breeds. The special regulations of the division for breed-related European shows shall serve as a basis.

The applicant is obliged to notify the Division Chair in writing of the project by 15 January of the previous year using the official application form. Approval shall be given at the following divisional meeting.

At the same time as the entry, the corresponding show regulations for this breed-related European show must be sent in.

The organiser undertakes not to undertake any further activities until permission to hold the show has been obtained from the Divisional Chairman.

These breed-specific European shows may only be held in the show seasons between the EE European show. For shows taking place in January or February, the same previous year applies as for the shows of the previous autumn season. Breed-specific European shows planned in the show season of an EE show must be prevented by the EE member association in which this show is to be held.

12.17 The organisers of breed-related European shows are obliged to pay 0.5 Euro per registered animal to the European Association into the EE treasury. The amount is calculated on the basis of the show catalogue. It is to be listed openly on the entry form as EE contribution.

The total amount is to be transferred to the account of the European Association 10 days after the date of issue.

12.18 As a rule, the Presidium shall give the sections work programmes in order to achieve uniformity in their meetings. However, the sections may, in agreement with the Presidium, meet independently to discuss technical issues. The results of the divisional meetings shall be presented by the respective Chairperson at the General Assembly. The minutes shall be attached to the minutes of the General Assembly.

12.19 In order to achieve a uniform interpretation of the breed standards and judging work, the Divisions shall hold an annual training course for judges. These meetings are organised by a member country. The Divisions are responsible for the organisation and running of the course.

The EE-Standard Commission concerned, the chairmen and the presidents of the judges’ associations of the divisions concerned of the member countries as well as a representative of the Advisory Board shall be invited to these meetings in due time. Additional invitations are at the discretion of the division concerned. The number of participants from the member countries is not limited.

12.20 The President, Vice-President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the EE shall not be members of any Division. They shall, as far as possible, satisfy themselves during the divisional meetings that the work is being carried out in a conducive manner in all the divisions.

12.18 As a rule, the Presidium shall give the sections work programmes in order to achieve uniformity in their meetings. However, the sections may, in agreement with the Presidium, meet independently to discuss technical issues. The results of the divisional meetings shall be presented by the respective Chairperson at the General Assembly. The minutes shall be attached to the minutes of the General Assembly.

12.19 In order to achieve a uniform interpretation of the breed standards and judging work, the Divisions shall hold an annual training course for judges. These meetings are organised by a member country. The Divisions are responsible for the organisation and running of the course.

The EE-Standard Commission concerned, the chairmen and the presidents of the judges’ associations of the divisions concerned of the member countries as well as a representative of the Advisory Board shall be invited to these meetings in due time. Additional invitations are at the discretion of the division concerned. The number of participants from the member countries is not limited.

12.20 The President, Vice-President, General Secretary and Treasurer of the EE shall not be members of any Division. They shall, as far as possible, satisfy themselves during the divisional meetings that the work is being carried out in a conducive manner in all the divisions.

§ 13 The Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare


13.1 The Advisory Board is an advisory body appointed by the Presidium of the EE for the Presidium, the General Assembly of the EE, and for the Member Associations on transnational issues concerning animal health and welfare. It shall consist of recognised experts.

The Chairperson of the Advisory Council shall be a member of the Presidium. He is selected by the Presidium and proposed to the General Assembly for election. The members of the Advisory Board shall be selected by the Chairperson of the Advisory Board and proposed to the Presidium for election. The term of office is 3 years.

13.2 The main tasks of the advisory board are:

Participation in the creation of uniform legal standards in Europe for the animal species managed by the EE.

Preservation of the breed spectrum of the species in care by influencing a scientifically based understanding of animals that is free of emotion and ideology.

Participation in, or influence on, expert opinions on minimum requirements for the husbandry of the species and breeds in their care

Influence European legislation on animal transport and animal diseases.

Participation in the setting of breed standards to avoid over-typing through cooperation with the EE Sections and their European Standard Officers and through the use of an Animal Welfare Officer at European Shows as a form of effective prevention.

Advising member associations on animal welfare and health, particularly precarious and relevant legal and breeding issues, if for this purpose the respective country regulations are provided in advance in German, English or French in a concise form

Procurement of experts for qualification events on animal welfare issues to the member associations

13.3 The work of the Advisory Board shall be as follows:

The Advisory Council always acts in a communicative manner and, above all, with a required external representation in coordination with the Presidium of the EE or factually with the Chairpersons on overarching issues.

The main impulses for the content of the work of the Advisory Council come from the Presidium and the sections. However, the Advisory Board can in turn make enquiries, requests and suggestions to these bodies.

The Advisory Council meets at the EE meetings and, if necessary, at the European shows. In the meantime, an attempt is made to solve the arising tasks by telephone, fax or e-mail. Should an additional meeting be unavoidable, the Chairperson invites to it with the approval of the EE President.

§ 13 The Advisory Board for Animal Health and Welfare


13.1 The Advisory Board is an advisory body appointed by the Presidium of the EE for the Presidium, the General Assembly of the EE, and for the Member Associations on transnational issues concerning animal health and welfare. It shall consist of recognised experts.

The Chairperson of the Advisory Council shall be a member of the Presidium. He is selected by the Presidium and proposed to the General Assembly for election. The members of the Advisory Board shall be selected by the Chairperson of the Advisory Board and proposed to the Presidium for election. The term of office is 3 years.

13.2 The main tasks of the advisory board are:

· Participation in the creation of uniform legal standards in Europe for the animal species managed by the EE.

· Preservation of the breed spectrum of the species in care by influencing a scientifically based understanding of animals that is free of emotion and ideology.

· Participation in, or influence on, expert opinions on minimum requirements for the husbandry of the species and breeds in question.

· Influence European legislation on animal transport and animal diseases.

· Participation in the setting of breed standards to avoid over-typing through cooperation with the EE Sections Divisions and their European Standard Officers as well as through the use of an Animal Welfare Officer at European Shows as a form of effective prevention.

· Advising member associations on animal welfare and health, particularly precarious and relevant legal and breeding issues, if for this purpose the respective national regulations are made available in advance in German, English, or French in a concise form.

· Procurement of experts for qualification events on animal welfare issues to the member associations.

13.3 The work of the Advisory Board shall be as follows:

The Advisory Council always acts in a communicative manner and, above all, with a required external representation in coordination with the Executive Board of the EE on overarching issues or in a factual manner with the Chairpersons.

The main impulses for the content of the work of the Advisory Council come from the Presidium and the sections. However, the Advisory Board can in turn make enquiries, requests and suggestions to these bodies.

The Advisory Council communicates mainly online. meets at the EE meetings and, if required, at the European shows. In the meantime, attempts are made to solve the tasks at hand by telephone, fax or e-mail. If a face-to-face meeting is unavoidable, the Chair invites with the approval of the EE President.

§ 14 Judging

14.1 The relevant professional associations of the EE member countries are responsible for the training of the judges in the different divisions. The basic training of a judge shall take place in the country where the candidate resides. The training shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations and directives of the national associations concerned.


Should a federation not have its own judges’ association with the appropriate training facilities, training in a neighbouring federation is possible. The training must always take place in the same association and must be reported to the EE section chairman concerned before the start of the training.

After passing the final examination, the judges must be issued with a judge’s identity card so that they can identify themselves accordingly for international assignments.

14.2 Training and further education in a foreign association can only take place if a judge presents the corresponding judge’s certificate of his country of residence.

Except exception under 14.1

14.3 The EE member associations are responsible for compliance with these regulations. In particular, care shall be taken to ensure that only judges with a recognised judge’s certificate are used at shows where judging is carried out according to the official judging system of a country. This applies in particular to breed-related European shows and international and national special shows for individual breeds.

14.4 Assessments that are not made according to these specifications are invalid. Violations of this provision shall be reported in writing to the National Federations and to the EE Division Chair concerned.

14.5 For the further training of the judges and for the harmonisation of the international assessments, special judges’ training courses are organised by the EE divisions. The organisation and implementation of these trainings is the responsibility of the Division Chairperson and the Chairperson of the Standards Commission.

The dates of these meetings shall be announced at the latest at the preceding EE Division Meeting. The invitations have to be sent to the presidents of the associations and the presidents of the judges’ associations of the member associations at least 3 months before the meeting. In addition, all judges who have attended at least one of these courses in the last 3 years shall be invited.

The national professional associations of the EE member countries are encouraged to provide the training courses of the EE sections for judges as well as possible.

The entire course costs are borne by the participants.

14.6 If a judge is banned by his national association, this ban shall also apply in the entire territory of the EE member countries.

The national federation concerned shall immediately notify the EE Division President of the suspension. He is responsible for informing the EE member countries.

14.7 If a judge is expelled by his national federation, the same provisions as in point 14.6 shall apply.

§ 14 Judging

14.1 The relevant professional associations of the EE member countries are responsible for the training of the judges in the different divisions. The basic training of a judge shall take place in the country where the candidate resides. The training shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations and directives of the national associations concerned.


Should a federation not have its own judges’ association with the appropriate training facilities, training in a neighbouring federation is possible. The training must always take place in the same association and must be reported to the EE section chairman concerned before the training begins.

After passing the final examination, the judges must be issued with a judge’s identity card so that they can identify themselves accordingly for international assignments.

14.2 Training and further education in a foreign association can only take place if a judge presents the corresponding judge’s certificate of his country of residence.

Except exception under 14.1

14.3 The EE member associations are responsible for compliance with these regulations. In particular, care shall be taken to ensure that only judges with a recognised judge’s certificate are used at shows where judging is carried out according to the official judging system of a country. This applies in particular to breed-related European shows and international and national special shows for individual breeds.

14.4 Assessments that are not made according to these specifications are invalid. Violations of this provision shall be reported in writing to the National Federations and to the EE Division Chair concerned.

14.5 For the further training of the judges and for the harmonisation of the international evaluations, special judge training courses are held by the EE divisions. The organisation and implementation of these training courses is the responsibility of the Division Chairperson and the Chairperson of the Standards Commission.

The dates of these meetings shall be announced at the latest at the preceding EE Division Meeting. The invitations have to be sent to the presidents of the associations and the presidents of the judges’ associations of the member associations at least 3 months before the meeting. In addition, all judges who have attended at least one of these courses in the last 3 years shall be invited.

The national professional associations of the EE member countries are encouraged to provide the training courses of the EE sections for judges as well as possible.

The entire course costs are borne by the participants.

14.6 If a judge is banned by his national association, this ban shall also apply in the entire territory of the EE member countries.

The national federation concerned shall immediately notify the EE section chairperson of the suspension. He is responsible for informing the EE member countries.

14.7 If a judge is expelled by his national federation, the same provisions as under point 14.6 shall apply.

§ 15 Final provisions

15.1 The dissolution of the EE can only be decided by a General Assembly convened separately for this purpose.

15.2 The invitation to this General Assembly shall be sent in writing to all Member Associations and the Presidium members at least eight weeks in advance. The invitation must state that it is an intended dissolution. The Presidium shall submit to this General Assembly a report on the advisability of dissolution and a corresponding motion.

15.3 A majority of three quarters of the votes present is required for the resolution to dissolve by secret ballot. A repetition of the vote if the three-quarters majority is not reached is not permitted at this meeting.

15.4 In the event of the dissolution of the EE, the existing assets, after deduction of the costs of dissolution, shall be paid out to the member countries on a pro rata basis. a-members = 1 share, b-members = 2 shares.

15.5 The dissolving General Assembly shall decide on the whereabouts of the archives of the EE and its divisions.

15.6 Should any of the provisions of these Articles of Association lack legal validity in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless remain valid. In cases of doubt, the relevant legal provisions of the EE seat in Luxembourg shall apply.

15.7 The law of the State of Luxembourg shall apply; the place of jurisdiction shall be L-3321 Berchem 51 rue Meckenheck.

15.8 In the event of disputes caused by incorrect translations, the German version of the Statutes shall prevail.

15.9 With this version, all previously established and adopted EE Statutes as well as resolutions that are contrary to these Statutes shall be repealed.

15.10 In accordance with the principle of equal rights for men and women, all designations of persons and functions shall apply mutatis mutandis to both genders.

15.11 If the translation gives rise to contradictions, the German text shall prevail.

These Statutes were adopted on 19 May 2012 in Altötting/D and are binding as of that date.

§ 15 Final provisions

15.1 The dissolution of the EE can only be decided by a General Assembly convened separately for this purpose.

15.2 The invitation to this General Assembly shall be sent in writing to all Member Associations and the Presidium members at least eight weeks in advance. The invitation must state that it is an intended dissolution. The Presidium shall submit to this General Assembly a report on the advisability of dissolution and a corresponding motion.

15.3 A majority of three quarters of the votes present is required for the resolution to dissolve by secret ballot. A repetition of the vote if the three-quarters majority is not reached is not permitted at this meeting.

15.4 In the event of the dissolution of the EE, the existing assets, after deduction of dissolution costs, shall be paid out to the member countries on a pro rata basis. a-members = 1 share, b-members = 2 shares.

15.5 The dissolving General Assembly shall decide on the whereabouts of the archives of the EE and its divisions.

15.6 Should any of the provisions of these Articles of Association lack legal validity in whole or in part, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless remain valid. In cases of doubt, the relevant legal provisions of the EE seat in Luxembourg shall apply.

15.7 The law of the State of Luxembourg shall apply; the place of jurisdiction shall be L-3321 Berchem 51 rue Meckenheck.

15.8 In the event of disputes caused by incorrect translations, the German version of the Statutes shall prevail.

15.9 With this version, all previously established and adopted EE Statutes as well as resolutions that are contrary to these Statutes shall be repealed.

15.10 In accordance with the principle of equality between men and women, all designations of persons and functions shall apply mutatis mutandis to all genders.

15.11 If the translation gives rise to contradictions, the German text shall prevail.

These Statutes were adopted on 19 May 2012 in Altötting/D and are binding as of that date.

The present Statutes were adopted at …………… in ………. and are binding as of this date.


Posted in Ukategorisert.